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Columbia Family & Divorce Lawyer > Clarksville Domestic Violence Lawyer

Clarksville Domestic Violence Lawyer

Disarm Domestic Violence reports that over 1.4 million Maryland residents experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. If you are one of those who has been stalked, raped, verbally abused, or physically harmed by your intimate partner, it is never too soon to seek help. Domestic violence cases can worsen and some even lose their lives when a heated argument includes a firearm or other deadly weapon. The Clarksville domestic violence lawyers at Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. can assist with petitioning the court for a restraining order against your partner so that you can safely continue on in life. While it happens on a much smaller frequency, we also help clients whose partner falsely accuses them of domestic violence and can provide legal counsel to fight a protective order.

Steps to Getting a Protective Order

The first step is to file out the petition for a protective order paperwork and file it with the District Court clerk. At this point a judge will hear your case for a temporary order to be granted. If a judge is not available, an interim temporary order will be issued until your case can be heard. After a judge approves the temporary order, your partner will be served notice of the order and it goes into effect for seven days. A final hearing is scheduled where both parties can submit evidence for the judge. According to the Maryland Courts, the final protective order lasts one year and can be extended with another hearing. If a person has already had a protective order out against the same partner in the past, the protective order can last longer or even be made into a permanent protective order. An experienced attorney can help you fill out paperwork, collect evidence for the hearing, and answer any questions you may have about the process.

What a Protective Order Helps With

A protective order can help keep you safe in the following ways:

  • Force the abusive person to have no contact with you;
  • Keep the individual away from your place of employment, school, or home;
  • Allow the police to confiscate any firearms and ammunition;
  • If you are living with the person in a house with your name on the lease or property deed, the protective order can force them out of the residence;
  • Force the partner out of your home if you are married to them; and
  • Prevent them from continuing to abuse you because they will face jail if they violate the protective order.

False Domestic Violence Accusations Against You

In some circumstances, someone may make a false domestic violence accusation because it can serve them favorable. For instance, a partner in a marriage that is ending may make a claim of domestic violence to alter the child custody decisions made. We examine these cases carefully and if we feel a person is being wrongly accused of domestic violence, we represent them and assist in fighting protective orders that could damage their future.

Contact Our Clarksville Domestic Violence Attorneys Now

When it comes to domestic violence cases, there is no time to delay before seeking help. Contact the Clarksville domestic violence attorneys at Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. for help to begin the petition for a protective order or if you have been served papers wrongly accusing you of domestic violence. Call us today at 410-997-0203 to schedule a consultation.

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