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Columbia Divorce Lawyer
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Columbia Divorce Lawyer

Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C., helps individuals and couples navigate their way through the Maryland divorce process that best meets their needs. Our Columbia divorce lawyers represent clients throughout Maryland, but especially Howard County communities such as Columbia, Ellicott City, Fulton, Maple Lawn and Clarksville. Call our office in Columbia to discuss the circumstances surrounding your divorce, including whether you need to seek a contested divorce or whether you will be to proceed on an uncontested basis, and to share your thoughts and concerns surrounding the custody and support of your children, as well as issues such as alimony and the division of your marital property.

Contested or Uncontested Divorce

In a divorce proceeding, the judge dissolves the marriage, so the parties are legally free to remarry. The court can also make custody determinations, award child support or alimony, divide the marital property, award other attorney fees, and take other steps in a divorce. Maryland is an equitable division state, which means that while an equal division of marital property is common, such a division is not guaranteed. The Court is free to divide marital property in an equitable manner, based on a number of factors that the attorneys argue to the judge.

Grounds for divorce include:

  • A 6-month separation
  • Irreconcilable differences
  • Mutual Consent

Although Maryland is no longer a fault-based divorce state, the circumstances that contributed to the estrangement of the parties remains a factor for determining a potential alimony award and for the division of marital property.

Contested or Uncontested Divorce

In an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree on getting divorced and also agree on all issues related to the marriage, such as child custody, visitation and access, child support, alimony and property division. Our attorneys help couples in uncontested divorce matters draft a Separation and Property Settlement Agreement, which is a legally binding document setting out their understanding of how the issues in their divorce will be handled. The parties still need to file for divorce and attend a hearing before the judge to finalize the divorce, but the terms of the Separation Agreement will control matters addressed such as custody and support.

If the parties don’t agree on the reason for the divorce or are not in agreement on all the related issues, the divorce is considered contested. In this case, they’ll need to resolve their issues through mediation or collaborative practice or litigate their divorce in court before a judge. A contested divorce can be time-consuming, complicated, and expensive. When the issues are resolved, the divorce then becomes uncontested, and a final divorce may be obtained. At Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C., our goal is to represent your interests and help you find the best path forward to an uncontested divorce, without creating unnecessary conflict or fanning the flames of an already heated dispute.

High-Quality Advice and Representation in Your Columbia or Howard County Divorce

For help with divorce in Howard County, call Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C., at 410-997-0203, or reach out online to speak with one of our experienced and dedicated Columbia divorce lawyers. We represent clients throughout Maryland, but especially Howard County communities such as Columbia, Ellicott City, Fulton, Maple Lawn and Clarksville.

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